2024-09-19 23:00 CEST

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004966WeirdDreams[WHDLoad Installs Games] slavepublic2021-04-17 13:30
Assigned ToCFOUProject InfoWeird Dreams (Rainbird)
Summary0004966: WEIRD DREAMS : Total crash after launch
DescriptionThe slave is 20 years old! The game total crash system when you launch it. I means, it crashes Workbench and even the CDTV preferences when I launch it on my real CDTV. I need to seize again time and date, language, etc. Crazy :-)
Steps To ReproduceJust launch the game and... total crash (real Amiga and WinUAE) !
Additional InformationA l'attention de JOTD (en français du coup) : Désolé pour la réouverture de l'issue concernant Space Quest 3, je dois être très fatigué mais je n'ai pas vu la mention "fixed" et la note "confirmed on 68000 m'a fait croire que tu avais essayé et que le slave en l'état fonctionnait très bien de ton côté. Navré encore pour ça.
TagsNo tags attached.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem8 MB
WorkbenchOS 2.1
KickROM37 - Kick 2.0
Attached Files



note ~0009799

CFOU (developer)

i will try to upsate it this week

note ~0009972

CFOU (developer)

crash confirmed on 68000 confirmed (on winuae)

note ~0009980

CFOU (developer)

fixed with V2.0 soon released

-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-01-24 21:04 ixien New Issue
2021-01-25 22:13 Wepl Project WHDLoad Installs Games => WeirdDreams
2021-03-29 01:46 CFOU Assigned To => CFOU
2021-03-29 01:46 CFOU Status new => assigned
2021-03-29 01:47 CFOU Note Added: 0009799
2021-04-06 10:38 CFOU Assigned To CFOU => Codetapper
2021-04-16 17:26 CFOU Status assigned => confirmed
2021-04-16 17:26 CFOU Note Added: 0009972
2021-04-17 00:44 CFOU Assigned To Codetapper => CFOU
2021-04-17 13:30 CFOU Status confirmed => resolved
2021-04-17 13:30 CFOU Resolution open => fixed
2021-04-17 13:30 CFOU Note Added: 0009980
+Issue History