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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004064Gauntlet3[All Projects] Generalpublic2019-02-05 02:56
Assigned ToProject InfoGauntlet 3 (Tengen/U.S.Gold)
Summary0004064: The piracy-check patch is causing several issues with game-play.
DescriptionThere's several issues affecting the piracy-check on the WHDload version of the game. I will list all the ones I know of below.

- If you input any joystick, mouse, or keyboard commands before the piracy checker completes (outside of the keyboard input passwords required on the IPF version), then the game will lock up. You MUST wait until the piracy-check completes fully before touching anything. If using an Emulator, then this also applies to save state loading (you should wait for this check to complete).

- After starting or loading the game past the piracy-check, all keyboard commands MAY lock up after changing zones. I believe this has something to do with the piracy-check initiating every time you change an area, and the WHD load version loading so fast that it cannot complete its check fully (wherein the IPF version takes at least 1 minute to load a new area and has more than enough time). One potential workaround is to stand still for at least 20 seconds, but even then you still might get locked out of keyboard actions.

- Keyboard commands outside of movement and primary fire MAY stop working randomly. I've had this happen in the middle of levels, or if I used a command too quickly. They will not come back until you restart, and the piracy-check completes properly.
Additional InformationI am unsure what version of the OS is being used by FS-UAE, same applies for Chipset type and WHDload version for that matter. Here's what the file info says:

WHDload V1.1 1550, if that helps.
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem8 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.0
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
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-Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-02-05 02:54 Apocalypse612 New Issue
2019-02-05 02:56 Apocalypse612 Tag Attached: Broken
+Issue History