WHDLoad MantisBT - Reflex_ZillionDreams
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0004662Reflex_ZillionDreams[All Projects] Generalpublic2020-05-14 21:302020-05-17 20:57
Assigned ToStingRay 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem0 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.1
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
Summary0004662: [Reflex/ZillionDreams] Line 1111 Emulator Error thrown immediately after launching
DescriptionThe above demo fails to start properly, and instead bombs out with the 'Line 1111 Emulator Error' when trying it on my A1200 w/ an ACA 1233n 42Mhz, 128Mb fast accelerator board.

I can provide a core dump if needed.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files? whdl_register (21,347) 2020-05-15 00:37
? ZillionDreams.slave (1,204) 2020-05-16 20:11
? ZillionDreamsV2.slave (1,212) 2020-05-17 14:06
? whdl_registerV2 (31,538) 2020-05-17 17:26

2020-05-14 22:04   
Please provide the core dump (I guess your disk image is broken). And please make sure to correctly submit bug reports (got to the WHDLoad page of the game/demo in question and click on the "Author" name) as the report will then be linked to the correct demo/game.

@Wepl: Can you move this to Demos/Reflex/Zillon Dreams please?
2020-05-14 23:01   
First of all, sorry about the wrong project assignment. I looked for Zillion in the project-list, but somehow missed it. (There were some other bugs I reported where the project didn't exists)

I deleted the disk image files (well, all the files) and extracted the .lha archive again after downloading. The same 'Emulator Error 1111' error appears after the demo has been running for a short while (not immediately after it was started, that was incorrect)

I selected the option to create a coredump, but I cannot find it in C: When doing this, it appears to loop, as it asks again to create a new dump after it has/should already have created one. Not sure what is going on here.
2020-05-14 23:54   
The core dump files are saved in C: and are named .whdl_register (this file would be interesting for me), .whdl_memory etc.
2020-05-15 00:37   
Being in a Unix-mindset I naturally only looked for "core" files (or #?core#?). :)

I have attached all four files to the ticket, for completeness.
2020-05-15 00:38   
Well, at least whdl-register. The other three were "too large" (500kB to 1Mb).
2020-05-15 09:28   
Unfortunately the register file doesn't give me any clues, which disk image are you using for the demo?
2020-05-15 11:31   
I tried attaching the disk image I am using, which is only 468kB. However, the system is still complaining that it is too large, as the max size is 150kB.

I could dropbox it, if such links are allowed in the bug-tracker. Or link directly to the FTP site.
2020-05-15 18:08   
If your uncompressed disk image is only 468 KB in size then it is much too small and would easily explain the crash.
2020-05-15 18:40   
No, it is the LhA that is 468kB. I can happily try another disk image if it differs from the one in this archive.
2020-05-15 21:27   
Ok. So I take it you have tried the Retroplay link? And it crashes too on your system?
2020-05-15 22:21   
That's correct, yes. Using the Retroplay image with md5sum
2c91245a080d0abec64a01710b2dd3ce ZillionDreams/Disk.1
2020-05-16 12:41   
Do you have any TCP/IP stack running?
2020-05-16 14:39   
No TCP/IP stack running; my a1200 is not networked.
2020-05-16 20:13   
As I can't reproduce this problem on any of my machines there's not much I can do except for trying certain things. Can you test the attached slave please? Does it still crash?
2020-05-17 02:53   
Tried the debug slave, it crashes with Exception "Line 1111 Emulator" ($2C) at $4 occurred; right after the credits.

(And yes, I suppose it'll be a a bit of a trial-and-error scheme similar to the Alcatraz Megademo 2 bug...)
2020-05-17 14:07   
Ok, then please try the V2 slave, does it still crash after the credits? If so, attach the "register" file please.
2020-05-17 17:26   
It's the same issue, unfortunately. Attaching updated .whdl_register for the V2 slave.
Pascal De Maeseneire   
2020-05-17 18:24   
to verify the problem and to help DranFly,
I use Your link : download images for that install ftp.amigascne.org
On first time, full install was perfect

After that I tried Your differents SLAVE :
on my REAL A1200 PAL 1D4 WITH GVP A1230Turbo+II CPU+FPY @40 MHZ AND 32MB RAM.
Results :

With your initial slave into installation (I renamed it v0)
I had a message but not directly....little time after Credits screen :
Exception "CHK,CHK2 Instruction" ($2018) at $7E occured.

With your first attach slave (I renamed it v1)
I had a message but not directly....little time after Credits screen :
Exception "Line 111 Emulator" ($2c) at $802 occured.

With your latest attach slave (I renamed it v2)
I had a message but not directly....little time after Credits screen :
Exception "Line 111 Emulator" ($2c) at $802 occured.

Best Regards,
Pascal De Maeseneire   
2020-05-17 19:15   
on my A1200 Crash with message come before selection menu...
I Try too on My A500 ECS PAL WITH ACA500PLUS CPU 68000 @14MHZ WITH 7MB RAM
with that config full works without any errors messages with all revisions slave (for myself v0,v1,v2).
Best regards,
2020-05-17 19:18   
Can you try the slave with NOCACHE please, same error then?
Pascal De Maeseneire   
2020-05-17 19:56   
Yes, On my A1200...
same way with 3 slave (v1.0,v1.0 DEBUG, v1.01)crash with same messages
The menu never come (crash message before it)
2020-05-17 20:57   
I also usually try a few WHDLoad options before logging a ticket – NOCACHE, NOMMU, NOAUTOVEC, EXPCHIP, but they all result in a crash (usually the NOMMU will give an illegal instruction instead of exception, depending on the slave)

Since I did not mention it in the ticket I am mentioning it now...

Issue History
2020-05-14 21:30Drag0nFlyNew Issue
2020-05-14 22:04StingRayNote Added: 0008702
2020-05-14 22:04StingRayAssigned To => StingRay
2020-05-14 22:04StingRayStatusnew => assigned
2020-05-14 22:31WeplProjectWHDLoad => Reflex_ZillionDreams
2020-05-14 23:01Drag0nFlyNote Added: 0008703
2020-05-14 23:54StingRayNote Added: 0008704
2020-05-15 00:37Drag0nFlyFile Added: whdl_register
2020-05-15 00:37Drag0nFlyNote Added: 0008706
2020-05-15 00:38Drag0nFlyNote Added: 0008707
2020-05-15 09:28StingRayNote Added: 0008721
2020-05-15 11:31Drag0nFlyNote Added: 0008725
2020-05-15 18:08StingRayNote Added: 0008731
2020-05-15 18:40Drag0nFlyNote Added: 0008733
2020-05-15 21:27StingRayNote Added: 0008734
2020-05-15 22:21Drag0nFlyNote Added: 0008735
2020-05-16 12:41StingRayNote Added: 0008737
2020-05-16 14:39Drag0nFlyNote Added: 0008738
2020-05-16 20:11StingRayFile Added: ZillionDreams.slave
2020-05-16 20:13StingRayNote Added: 0008739
2020-05-17 02:53Drag0nFlyNote Added: 0008745
2020-05-17 14:06StingRayFile Added: ZillionDreamsV2.slave
2020-05-17 14:07StingRayNote Added: 0008754
2020-05-17 17:26Drag0nFlyFile Added: whdl_registerV2
2020-05-17 17:26Drag0nFlyNote Added: 0008755
2020-05-17 18:24Pascal De MaeseneireNote Added: 0008756
2020-05-17 19:15Pascal De MaeseneireNote Added: 0008757
2020-05-17 19:18StingRayNote Added: 0008758
2020-05-17 19:56Pascal De MaeseneireNote Added: 0008759
2020-05-17 20:57Drag0nFlyNote Added: 0008761