WHDLoad MantisBT - Network_Synthesis
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0004184Network_Synthesis[All Projects] Generalpublic2019-08-13 18:002021-08-25 13:19
Assigned ToJOTD 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
ChipMem2 MB
FastMem128 MB
WorkbenchOS 3.1
KickROM40 - Kick 3.1
Summary0004184: [Slave] Synthesis/Network v1.0: crash (Line 1111 Emulator Error) when running on 030 CPU (real or emulated)
DescriptionWHDload (18.3 & 18.5, possibly other versions) crashes right after the intro sequence with the above message when using the A1200 slave.

I have reproduced the issue on two Amiga 1200s, one w/ an 1d board rev. and another with 1d4, as well as two accelerator cards:

- Typhoon 030 w/SCSI @42Mhz w/64Mb RAM
- ACA 1233n @40Mhz w/128Mb RAM

Full error message:

Line 1111 Emulator ($2C) at $475B3B96 (Task 'Initial Cli', ExpMem $41B96) occured.

The ExpMem address is identical on all crashes. The first part is similar (e.g $6F7B6B96 $475B3B96)

The error is also reproducible when emulating the A1200 using FS-UAE - tested with WHDLoad 18.3 & 18.5, as well as compared the official slave online.

WHDLoad options tried:

- NOVBRMOVE (proceeds into the second part with only music playing)
- NOMEMREVERSE (no change)
- NOAUTOVEC (no change)
- MMU on/off (behaves identically)

The demo works fine on both cards, and under FS-UAE, when running it directly without WHDLoad.

It also works in WHDLoad under FS-UAE when using the Blizzard 1240 option, possibly indicating some issues with the 040 patches when not running on said CPU.
Steps To ReproduceStart the Network/Synthesis demo using either a real Blizzard 1230 (tested w/ UAE - assuming it will behave identical in real-life), a Typhoon 1230 MkII @42Mhz, or an ACA 1233n @40Mhz.

-Or- select the 'Blizzard 1230' expansion option in FS-UAE (https://fs-uae.net/download) when running via HDF.

Start the demo as usual, and skip the intro sequence w/ LMB. The crash should occur right after the music for the next part starts playing.
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Attached Filespng amiga1200hdf-full-1908131727-01.png (14,699) 2019-08-13 18:00

2020-03-14 14:40   
I have also this error on an A1200 DKB 030 64MB but different addresses.
2020-04-16 00:08   
I'll be happy to test any fixes for this; the ticket was submitted in August of 2019.
2020-05-15 11:24   
Would it be useful to provide a core dump for this problem (.whdl_register)? If so I can do this.

It seems to happen consistently with at least four accelerator boards (Blizzard 1230, Typhoon 030 @40 Mhz w/64mb, DKB 030 w/64mb & ACA 030 @42Mhz w/ 128mb)
2020-05-18 23:38   
I can confirm black screen with music playing on some winuae configs even 68040. But on some others it works (cycle exact). Got to test more. Demos are hard to fix
2020-10-08 16:45   
I just tried with an ACA 1233n 55Mhz - OS 3.9 BB4 and the exact same error message occurred as Drag0nFly reported initially.
2021-08-13 14:51   
Re-installed Demo. Error on start-up "DOS Error object not found when reading NAT0.DAT"
Ran SnoopDos. Failed reading cybergraphics.library v41 (40.111 in libs)
              Failed reading Cybergfx56KHZxx (Global)
              Failed reading Reqtools.prefs
              Failed reading cdtv.device.

Would any of this cause issues?
2021-08-25 13:19   
same error but $FFFFFFFx...

Issue History
2019-08-13 18:00Drag0nFlyNew Issue
2019-08-13 18:00Drag0nFlyFile Added: amiga1200hdf-full-1908131727-01.png
2019-08-17 20:43WeplProjectWHDLoad => Network_Synthesis
2019-08-17 20:44WeplAssigned To => JOTD
2019-08-17 20:44WeplStatusnew => assigned
2020-03-14 14:40Snoopy1234Note Added: 0007857
2020-04-16 00:08Drag0nFlyNote Added: 0008192
2020-05-15 11:24Drag0nFlyNote Added: 0008724
2020-05-18 23:38JOTDStatusassigned => confirmed
2020-05-18 23:38JOTDNote Added: 0008790
2020-10-08 16:45Snoopy1234Note Added: 0009170
2021-08-13 14:51Snoopy1234Note Added: 0010693
2021-08-25 13:19Snoopy1234Note Added: 0010699